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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 袋蛛科 »

学名:Clubiona rama
(Female) CL- 2.57, CW- 2.35, AL- 4.41, AW- 2.12, TL- 7.10. Cephalothorax red brown, longer than wide, anteriorly narrow and truncate, medially widest, posteriorly round, convex, clothed with black lanceolate hairs, ocular area with black, long hairs and pubescence; cephalic region posteriorly raised, anteriorly sloped, midlongitudinally with a shallow groove, extending from the black, short thoracic fovea up to PME. Eyes 8 pearly white except white PME, ringed with black, in 2 rows, anterior shorter and weakly recurved, posterior row weakly procurved; ocular quad wider than long, basally broader. Eye diameter ALE> PLE> PME> AME. Inter ocular distance: AME-AME- 0.29, ALE-AME- 0.29, ALE-ALE- 0.88, PME-PME- 0.53, PLE-PME- 0.29, PLE-PLE- 1.18, AME-PME- 0.29, and ALE-PLE- 0.29. Clypeus dark brown, margined with black, anterolateral corners black, vertical, height medium, clothed with 2 pairs of black, long, spiny hairs. Thoracic radii distinct. Chelicerae dark brown, longer than wide, robust, both margins with 3 black teeth, scopulate; fang dark brown, long, strong and erect. Labium reddish brown, apically greyish, midlaterally marked by black, longer than wide, basolaterally constricted, and scopulate. Maxillae brown, apically yellowish, laterally margined with black, longer than wide, twice longer than the labium, inner margin with a concavity, outer margin medially concave, and scopulate. Sternum yellowish brown, margined brown, oval, margins with brown, sharp projections toward each coxa, clothed with pale brown, erect hairs. Legs yellow, tibia I-II and metatarsi I-II ventrally scopulate, long, slender, 2 clawed, each with 5 pectinations and with claw tufts; femora with 3-0-1-1, tibia I-II with 0-4 (2-2)-0-0 and tibia III-IV with 0-4(2-1-1)-2-2 spination. Leg formula- 4231. Abdomen grey, anteromedially with faintly marked by whitish area, longer than wide, anteriorly truncate, medially widest, posteriorly pointed, clothed with setae and black spiny hairs; dorsum subanteromedially with 2 brown sigilla, medially with 3 sigilla in a row on each side; venter grey,midlongitudinally with 2 rows of dark, tiny sigilla on each side. Epigynum-Internal genitalia: copulatory ducts parallel, convoluted; spermatheca sclerotized, bean shaped; fertilization ducts incurved at the top.